Building Custom Emergency Vehicles Since 1971
Team Approach | Value Engineering
705 13th Street, Lake Park, Florida 33403
*Lee also covers
Puerto Rico.
Lee Potter
Southeast & Southern Regional Sales Manager
Lee has over 35 years experience in Public Safety. He has held many positions in the fire service including state certified firefighter, driver/engineer, hazmat tech, first responder, and a member of the dive team. He has been involved with apparatus sales and design for over 30 years, when he got his start as a member of the apparatus committee for a volunteer fire department he was with at that time. The committee designed and wrote up the specs for a new heavy rescue for the department, they later ended up purchasing from EVI in 1992. Lee started with EVI in 1996 where he has been involved with sales, design, and engineering since the beginning with over 600 delivered vehicles. When Lee is not working, he enjoys playing golf, fishing, boating, and spending time camping with his wife Jodi along with their son RJ around the State of Florida.